Discovering Azure DevOps Pipeline Performance Issues
Recently I ran into some very unusual issues with Azure DevOps pipelines. The pipelines were running very slowly, and the logs were not providing any useful information. I decided to dig deeper and see if I could find the root cause of the issue.
I opened a case with Microsoft support, and it become very challenging to even communicate the issue. The support engineer was not able to understand the issue, and I was not able to provide enough information to help them understand the issue.
I ended up authoring a program in Python to help me understand the issue. The program would run and hit the Azure DevOps API to get the status of the pipeline. I would then log the status of the pipeline to a file. I ran this program for a few days and was able to see that the pipeline was running very slowly.
import os
from datetime import datetime
import requests
import yaml
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
ADO_ORGANIZATION: str = "<fill-me-in>"
ADO_PROJECT: str = "<fill-me-in>"
ADO_BUILD_DEFINITION: int = "<fill-me-in>"
class Node:
def __init__(self, id, type, name, startTime, finishTime, parentId=None, state=None, result=None): = id
self.type = type = name
self.startTime = self.parse_time(startTime)
self.finishTime = self.parse_time(finishTime)
self.parentId = parentId
self.state = state
self.result = result
self.children = []
def parse_time(self, time_str):
if time_str is None:
return None
# Ensure microseconds have exactly 6 digits
adjusted_time_str = self.ensure_six_digit_microseconds(time_str)
return datetime.strptime(adjusted_time_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
def ensure_six_digit_microseconds(self, time_str):
if "." in time_str:
parts = time_str.split(".")
microseconds = parts[1].rstrip("Z")
microseconds = microseconds[:6].ljust(6, "0") # Ensure exactly 6 digits
return f"{parts[0]}.{microseconds}Z"
elif "Z" in time_str:
return time_str.replace("Z", ".000000Z")
return f"{time_str}.000000Z"
def duration(self):
if self.startTime and self.finishTime:
return (self.finishTime - self.startTime).total_seconds()
return 0
def is_successful(self):
return self.state == "completed" and self.result == "succeeded"
def build_tree(data):
nodes = {
item["id"]: Node(
for item in data
roots = []
for node in nodes.values():
if not node.is_successful():
if node.parentId:
parent = nodes[node.parentId]
return roots
def check_discrepancies(node, discrepancies, stage_name=None):
if not node.startTime or not node.finishTime:
return 0
if not node.children:
return node.duration()
total_child_duration = sum(
check_discrepancies(child, discrepancies, if node.type == "Stage" else stage_name) for child in node.children
node_duration = node.duration()
if node_duration > 0 and total_child_duration > 0 and total_child_duration < node_duration * 0.2:
return node_duration
def analyze_timeline(timeline_data):
roots = build_tree(timeline_data)
discrepancies = []
for root in roots:
check_discrepancies(root, discrepancies)
return discrepancies
def summarize_discrepancies(discrepancies, build):
build_summary = {
"buildId": build["id"],
"queueTime": build["queueTime"],
"startTime": build["startTime"],
"finishTime": build["finishTime"],
"discrepanciesCount": len(discrepancies),
"discrepancies": [{"stage": stage, "job": job} for stage, job in discrepancies],
"results": f"{ADO_ORGANIZATION}/{ADO_PROJECT}/_build/results?buildId={build['id']}&view=results",
return build_summary
def main():
ado_token = os.getenv("ADO_ACCESS_TOKEN")
if not ado_token:
print("ADO_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable not set.")
session = requests.Session()
session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth("", ado_token)
builds_url = f"{ADO_ORGANIZATION}/{ADO_PROJECT}/_apis/build/builds?definitions={ADO_BUILD_DEFINITION}&statusFilter=completed&api-version=6.0"
builds_response = session.get(builds_url)
builds_data = builds_response.json()["value"]
builds_with_discrepancies = []
for build in builds_data:
if build["status"] == "completed" and build["result"] == "succeeded":
timeline_url = build["_links"]["timeline"]["href"]
build_id = build["id"]
timeline_response = session.get(timeline_url)
timeline_data = timeline_response.json()["records"]
discrepancies = analyze_timeline(timeline_data)
if discrepancies:
build_summary = summarize_discrepancies(discrepancies, build)
output = {"builds_with_discrepancies": builds_with_discrepancies}
print(yaml.dump(output, default_flow_style=False))
if __name__ == "__main__":